

Safe Work Australia

Safe Work Australia was established by the Safe Work Australia Act 2008 with primary responsibility to lead the development of policy to improve work health and safety and workers’ compensation arrangements across Australia.

Model Health and Safety (WHS) Act

Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations

Model Codes of Practice

The National Safety Council of Australia – NSCA

For almost 90 years, the NSCA has played an important role in helping to inspire, educate, inform and engage Australian business in best practice Work Health and Safety (WHS) and risk management. It has some free resources but most resource require you to have a level of membership. They offer training, consulting, auditing and risk management, legal advice a Safety Magazine and safety events.

Working Together for Safety – Samarbeid for Sikkerhet

“Working Together for Safety” is one of the most extensive collaboration projects initiated within the health, safety and the environment (HSE) in the oil and gas industry.

Participants in the project are oil companies and supplier companies and trade unions represented through the Norwegian Oil and Gas Association, the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO), Lederne, Industri Energi, Fellesforbundet, Korrosjons- Isolerings- og Stillasentreprenørenes Forening (KIS), Norsk Industri, the Norwegian Shipowners’ Association (NSA), The Collaborating Organisations (DSO) and The Petroleum Safety Authority. The project concentrates on safety on offshore installations, onshore installations and onboard vessels on the Shelf. There are some great resources on their website.